
Is It Ok To Buy A Used Car?

The car industry is rapidly changing, as new technology is being introduced which is changing the landscape of the automobile industry. Likewise, the price of purchasing and maintaining a brand new car is also increasing which most people around the world find difficult to afford. This is precisely where the concept of purchasing used cars comes into play.

The most difficult problem many of us face when inspecting a car at a dealership or the seller’s location is ensuring that we are not duped into purchasing a faulty vehicle.

If you are having second thoughts, don’t worry,  you can now get almost all of the benefits of a new car in a used car, with significant savings and the assurance of certification and warranty. Even if you plan to sell this in the future, you will lose less money than you would if you bought a new car.

Tips To Keep In Mind

  • We start the discussion by answering the fundamental question of “How to inspect a used car?” When inspecting a car, be sure to observe the vehicle and check the overall details before concluding spotting an irregularity or dent on the outside. This should include a look at the headlights, the seats, the wipers, rims, windows, and the boot.
  • Suspensions are a critical component for experiencing wear and tear. Stepping back from the car and looking for slumping or sagging is one way to determine if the suspension on the vehicle you’re just about to buy is in good condition. Verify the rebound after pressing down every corner of the car.
  • Occasionally sellers sell their highly modified cars after rough handling. Any modifications, such as custom exhaust pipes, air filters, bent pipes, or raised-up suspension, indicate that it has been subjected to thorough driving, which includes off-roading, heavy acceleration, and engine damage. Eliminate cars that have been or have been modified.
  • The final step in ensuring you invest in a great vehicle is taking it for a test drive. Verify the brake pedal and gear change mechanism while driving. There should also be no significant pedal vibration, strange noises, or brake squeaking. Check for rattling strange sounds from the suspensions by performing a sharp U-turn at a low speed.


Therefore you should always learn to understand how to inspect a used car [วิธีดูรถมือสอง – which is the term in Thai] before making the final decision to purchase. Be sure to conduct thorough research online to gain more knowledge about this concept.